Proactive Threat Assessment
Proactive Threat Assessment is the foundation for every security procedure.
Our Proactive Threat Assessment Course has been delivered to thousands of security professionals all over the world. The course, previously titled "Predictive Profiling", provides security and law enforcement officers with the tools and skills to effectively assess threats in their operational environments. Trainees come out with the ability to articulate "gut feeling" into clear definitions of Suspicion Indicators and Adversary's Methods of Operations allowing the organization to avoid liability issues and increase overall threat mitigation capabilities.
Course participants learn how to proactively prevent, deter and respond to criminal and terrorist threats including hostile

Get Professional Education (CPEs) credit with Chameleon Associates' courses from ASIS.
surveillance, intelligence gathering, dry runs and execution of the crime/attack. The course begins by making the trainees think like the adversary and then use their experiences to assess threats and develop effective countermeasures.
Chameleon’s Proactive Threat Assessment methods are applicable to virtually any environment and set of security requirements. If you have special needs, the course can be built for your specific environment and resources.
The course covers some of the following topics:
- The nature of the threat – common denominators to all man-made threats
- The difference and relationship between threat, suspicion and risk
- How to differentiate between abnormal (odd) and suspicious
- Adversary’s Workshop – planning and executing a crime/attack.
- Assessing objects – Unattended objects and screening of personal belongings or mail.
- What is a security objective and how to we achieve it.
- Principles of Proactive Security
- Principles of Security Questioning
- Proactive Threat Assessment and how it relates to Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause.
- The use and practice of “Red Teaming" as a training and quality assurance tool.
Interested In Having Us Deliver This Course To Your Officers & Staff?
We will be happy to send you a detailed proposal!
Who should take this course?
Security professionals, executive, intelligence officers, military and law enforcement can all benefit from this course.
Reference letters and a complete list of organizations that have hired Chameleon in recent years to deliver this course will be provided upon request for proposal.
I participated in a Predictive Profiling and Security Questioning course offered by your group in November 2008. I want to thank you for teaching me some skills and techniques which I have had the opportunity to use on several occasions to the benefit of security in my organization. Your instructor was excellent and it is only now looking back that I can truly testify that his material was of great use and had many practical applications."
"The best class that I have attended. It was worth every penny and was a good use of the training budget. Thanks."
"Outstanding course. Provided a completely different and efficient method for providing security. It has led to a much greater understanding of the holes in our current security processes. I would much like to take additional courses by Chameleon, especially the Questioning Course."
"Instructor kept me wanting to listen and engage in the training. Information taught was simple yet eye opening! Great class - thanks!"
"This was the best class that I've taken in eight years with the government. The instructor was a domain expert versed in security standards for exceeding current TSA methodology. If the enemy comes to us, training like this course, becomes infinitely more valuable."
"Enjoyed the interactive nature of the class and hands on/practical exercises. Info is very relevant to BDO (Behavior Detection Officer) duties. Would love to attend an expanded version of the course!"
"This was and should be an eye opener to all in the security field. This security concept should be taught and implemented/integrated within the TSA...excellent job!"
"The real world experience and non-fiction examples of the application of their methodology were superb. They need to be briefing upper levels of the US Government."
"I found the information that was presented in the seminar to be both relevant and useful. The concepts were both new and exciting, and were in complete contrast to the many seminars that I have attended which put out the same old information that we have been hearing for many years. The Chameleon speakers are not only dynamic and interesting, but include many who have had real life experiences with the subject being taught. One comes away from a Chameleon seminar with a real, usable grasp of the subject and a feeling of time and money well spent."
"This seminar is a must for security executives. It pulls you out of your element and makes you think about security and protection in a whole new that applies to any protected environment you are trying to secure. I highly recommend it."
"The Proactive threat Assessment Course is one of the most organized and well presented seminars I have attended in twenty five years of law enforcement. This well presented and thought provoking method surprises me that more governmental and civilian organization do not attend and place these measures in process. The civil liability requires us to perform all the techniques available to us to protect the public. As law enforcement takes on more of the "homeland security" role, combined with budget and staff limitations, this educational opportunity offers to be a financial must. This is a protection of our most valued asset, the public we defend."
"Great course - I need to attend the advanced course."
"The 'Proactive Threat Assessment' process does not depend on (classified) intelligence to work; intelligence can complement 'Proactive Threat Assessment' but is not at all necessary. In fact, it tends to produce intelligence..."
"The fastest 2 days of training I can remember. The technique and principle has the potential to have more positive impact on security at a lower cost than virtually anything I've ever seen but requires a huge change in mind set. The best training I've had in 6 years".