Five Reasons Why You Need Threat, Risk, and Vulnerability Assessment Training

What is a threat, risk, and vulnerability assessment?



A threat, risk, and vulnerability assessment – also known as a TRVA – provides a snapshot of an organization’s security conditions at any given moment in time. TRVAs aren’t just a one-off activity; they’re a recurring checkup that businesses, schools, governments, and other institutions can use to evaluate their susceptibility to threats.

Despite their importance, very few organizations conduct TRVAs as often as they should. Even fewer still conduct them correctly. Training staff on how to properly render and analyze results from one of these assessments is as important as the evaluation itself. Fortunately, Chameleon associates offers regular trainings on the topic, including an upcoming seminar on May 7 and 8 in Las Vegas (more on that later).

Why should anyone care about assessments in the first place?

Security watchdogs like CompTIA estimate that nearly 60% of all businesses experienced at least one insider threat in 2022. Academic sources such as the EC-Council University cite complementary data, suggesting up to 72% of all organizations experienced a serious cyber-attack in 2023. And finally, within the commercial sector alone, 14 companies were plagued by active shooters in 2022, according to thinktank Epstein Becker Green.

These statistics point to a rapidly expanding threat landscape. The best hope organizations have at defending themselves against these growing hazards is to educate themselves on how to properly administer a TRVA, and then conduct them regularly. What follows is a list of five reasons why everyone should make assessment training a top security priority in this year.

Procedural Benefits

A properly rendered TRVA can highlight weak spots in an organization’s standard operating procedures. Knowing which workflows present exploitable gaps is the first step in improving security across an enterprise.

Technological Applicability

Physical security isn’t the only risk area to worry about. Cybersecurity has become a weak spot for many organizations in recent years, in large part thanks to quantum leaps forward in modern technology. Understanding how these digital tools can harm just as much as they help is vital to safeguarding one’s business interests.

Intelligence Value

Proactive planning is crucial to putting up a good defense, which involves gathering good intelligence on potential adversaries. Comprehending all the useful ways to build a profile on bad actors can go a long way in bolstering an organization’s security management strategy.

Personnel Enrichment

Deficits in a workforce’s understanding of what makes for good security is one of the top contributors to insider threats, whether intentional or unintentional. TRVAs illuminate dark spots on institutional knowledge and give insight on to how to manage and respond to risks before they become active problem areas.

Physical Fortification

Access control, armed security, and secure construction principles all help protect from external threats. A good assessment will expose areas of opportunity that could better enhance an organization’s physical security.

What’s the best way to obtain assessment training?

The best way to obtain a reliable, credible training is through an established team of security professionals. Many organizations attempt to conduct their own TRVA curricula in-house, which can prove effective. But to guarantee staff are receiving the most up-to-date information, it’s best to hire outside consultancies to guide the process.

Companies like Chameleon Associates specialize in coaching clients across all sectors on how to evaluate their risk areas honestly and accurately, and more importantly, implement action plans that address any concerning findings.

Is Chameleon Associates offering any upcoming trainings?

Chameleon Associates provides a number of convenient resources for any organization looking to improve their security posture. To get started, those interested can obtain a cursory overview of the TRVA process by watching one of our quick, online videos.

Next, prospective clients can inquire about customized courses tailored specifically to their unique needs. We design the curriculum based around the registrant’s background, sector, and scope.

Finally, those looking to really take the plunge into defending their people and assets may sign up for our Las Vegas TRVA seminar, scheduled May7-8. This two-day, content-rich discussion will bring leaders and professionals from all backgrounds together for an intensive deep-dive into the world of threat assessments and their benefit. Don’t miss this rare opportunity – reserve your spot today by signing up here.

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