Israeli Security Model Schedule

Seminar Dates – TBD

Sessions and site visits give a unique look into security operations of Israel’s most secured facilities and protected environments: government facilities, borders, critical infrastructure and more. Also, the curricula cover many Israeli agencies involved in both local and national security, threat identification and mitigation approaches, emergency preparedness and response capabilities, and innovations in security technology.

Browse the Seminar Schedule by Day:


Carlton Hotel Tel Aviv

Check-in to Renaissance (Marriott International) Hotel Reception and welcome dinner at 7:00PM – 9:00PM (meet at hotel lobby)


07:30 – 08:30 Breakfast

08:30 – 10:30 Introduction to the Israeli Security Model

Presentation lead by Amotz Brandes – Managing Partner Chameleon Associates


This training module will provide attendees with an overview and background to the Israeli Security Model. This presentation aims to provide methodological context for the attendees with regards to information they will absorb during the course and site visits.

The presentation will discuss key issues that make the Israeli Security Model unique in the world to include but not be limited to: a human centric security model, down-up decision making structure, a proactive culture and stance, a clear separation of duties between intelligence law enforcement and security, the use of Predictive Profiling and threat assessment, threat-oriented and not risk oriented security.

10:30 – 12:30 Principles of Proactive Security

Presentation lead by Amotz Brandes – Managing Partner Chameleon Associates

Israeli Security Officer

This is an introductory presentation that outlines for the trainees the fundamental elements of threat oriented security. The trainer will address such concept is human based security system, Predictive Profiling, Security Questioning, Bottom-up Security System and more.

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

14:00– 17:00 The “Arab Spring” and its Impact on the World – International and Domestic Security Threats

Presentation lead by Brig. General (Ret) Shalom Harari

Shalom Harari

International and Domestic Security Threats.  Brig Gen (ret) Shalom Harari will give an overview of the geopolitics of the Middle East in the context of the “Arab Spring” and its impact on the world. He will emphasize the religious, ideological and political forces that fight for influence, territory and power in the Arab and Muslim world. Students will discuss to what extent these and other factors are important in their home countries and, how they differ.


7:00 – 08:00 Breakfast

09:30 – 12:00 - City of Ashdod - Visit lead by the City Security Manager

Ashdod Visit

Participants will meet with city officials to discuss how the community prepares and reacts to that threat. The city’s emergency and security managers will discuss the challenges of maintaining normal municipal services while operating under a severe emergency and will describe the relationships between the City, Army, Police and other government agencies before, during and after a terrorist attack.

Lunch in the City of Ashdod

14:00 - 17:30 - Communities Under Threat


The group will visit several towns along the Gaza-Israel border and observe the security and defense systems in place to protect these communities from varied military and terrorist threats, including rocket and mortar shelling, underground tunnels from Gaza into Israel, attack drones and more.

Back to Tel Aviv Hotel.


07:30 – 08:15 Breakfast

09:30 – 11:00 Educational institute security – The Hebrew University, Jerusalem - Visit lead by the Hebrew University Security Director

Hebrew University Jerusalem Tour Chameleon Associates

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is Israel's second oldest university, established in 1918, 30 years before the establishment of the State of Israel.  Hebrew University has been the target of terrorists and suicide bombers. Attendees will learn how the University Security Department deals with a variety of criminal and terrorist threats.

13:45 – 15:15 - Securing Critical Infrastructure: Secure Borders: Keeping Threats Out - The Security Fence

Security Fence Israel

The old city of Jerusalem is the most disputed territory in history that is serves as a tourist destination, a pilgrimage site, a cultural and political center and as residence of a vibrant and ethnically and religiously diverse population.

15:30 - 17:30 Securing Critical Infrastructure:  Monuments and Icons, The Old City of Jerusalem

Site visit lead by Amotz Brandes, Managing Partner Chameleon Associates

Jerusalem Old City Tour with Chameleon Associates

There are those who say that the old city of Jerusalem poses the most difficult security challenge in the world. Less than 0.5 square miles, the city houses the most sacred religious sites to Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Back to Tel Aviv Hotel


06:45 – 07:45 Breakfast

08:30 – 10:00 The IMI Academy – Introduction

Presentation lead by CEO of IMI Academy and Head of Training Department

Participants will get an overview presentation of the function and capabilities of IMI Academy and the role it plays in training security professionals for a variety governmental, non-profit and private organizations in Israel.

10:15 - 12:30  The Israeli Tactical Shooting Technique, demonstration lead by IMI Academy Head Trainer

Trainees will learn and practice Israeli shooting techniques in different threat scenarios. The Israeli shooting technique is based on the capability of a single security officer to respond immediately and effectively to a situation to a violent assault by one or more individuals. Participants will simulate tactical scenarios and experience and practice Israeli shooting techniques at the range.

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 17:00 Krav Maga

Demonstration lead by IMI Academy Head Krav Maga Trainer

Krav Maga Demonstration IMI Academy Chameleon Associates

Introduction to Krav Maga and the key concepts behind it. This training will include simulations by expert Krav Maga instructors. IMI will focus on the use of Krav Maga as a tool for use by unarmed and armed officers to deal with a violent attacker. Instructor will demonstrate the techniques used by Israeli security officers to counter suicide bombers, armed assailants and more.

Back to Tel Aviv Hotel


07:15 – 08:15 Breakfast

09:00 – 12:00 Securing Critical Infrastructure: Air Transportation – Ben Gurion Intl Airport

Demonstration lead by Ben Gurion Airport Security Director

Ben Gurion Presentation Chameleon Associates

Airport security remains a strong emphasis of many countries’ counter-terrorism strategies. In this session, the Security staff at the Ben Gurion Airport will discuss with participants the security approaches and capabilities at what is often called the most protected airport in the world. Participants will learn about the extensive security strategies that cover all aspects of airport operations from outside the terminal to passenger venues to tarmac operations. Participants will see how human and technical security methodologies and procedures are used to predict threats and deter terrorism threats. In addition, the session will include information on the extent to which Ben Gurion’s security extends to airline operations overseas whose passengers’ destination is Ben  Gurion. Participants will discuss the applicability of the Airport’s approach to other airports which have differing passenger loads and geographical operations.

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

14:00 – 17:00 Across Cultures and Religions – a Visit to an Arab Village Mosque and Church

Presentation lead by Brig. General (Ret) Shalom Harari

Abu Gosh

The group will be hosted at an Arab Village where they will learn about Arab Muslim and Christian Communities in Israel. They will visit a Mosque to learn about Arab Muslim culture and how they see themselves in Israel as a religious and ethnic minority. The group will also visit an Arab Christian Monastery where they will learn about the history Arab Christian communities in Israel.

Back to Tel Aviv Hotel

19:30 Evening Tour to the Old City of Jaffa (Optional)

Lead by Amotz Brandes, Managing Partner, Chameleon Associates

Jaffa Evening Tour Chameleon Associates

Jaffa is the oldest and perhaps most famous of the ports along Israel’s coast. From Jaffa port, the Bible records that the prophet Jonah set sail for Tarshish. Some claim that Jaffa was named after Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah, who built it after the Great Flood. A Hebrew etymology indicates that the city is called Jaffa because of its beauty (yofi in Hebrew).


07:00 – 08:00 Breakfast

10:00 – 11:30 Sea of the Galilee and Christian sites

11:30 – 13:00 Keeping Border Security in an Unstable and Volatile Environment – The Golan Heights

Site visits lead by Chameleon Associates

Metula and Lebanon Border Visit

Attendees will visit Israel’s borders with Syria briefed on the volatile situation across the border. Trainees will see firsthand (and from a safe distance) the influence of the “Arab Spring” on the forces and power struggle in Syria. A historical overview will be given on the wars fought in that region and the political impact it still has on world affairs.

13:30 – 15:30 Farewell Lunch in a Druze Village on the Golan Heights – The Challenge of Conflicting Allegiances

Site visit lead by Chameleon Associates

Magdal Shams Visit Chameleon Assocaites

Trainees will be introduced to the Druze culture and traditions and the unique and difficult position of the Druze whose people are spread across three countries at war with each other. The trainees will learn about the conflicts of allegiance between ethnicity, religion, country and family that the Druze are challenged with daily. During the Farewell lunch, participants will be asked to share their lessons learned from the seminar. A certificate of completion will be handed to trainees.

18:15 – 19:15 Visit to the old city of Caesarea

Site visit lead by Amotz Brandes Managing Partner Chameleon Associates

Dinner in Caesarea Chameleon Associates

We finish this seminar with a visit to the old Roman port of Caesarea.


Israel coastline from airplane

Hotel check out 11AM – Departure