Predictive Profiling Seminar
Learn how to Conduct Threat-Oriented Security
April 25-26, 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic
Using Predictive Profiling, learn to effectively assess threats in a given operational environment. Gain the ability to articulate "gut feeling" into clear definitions of Suspicion Indicators and Adversary's Methods of Operations. Once a threat is detected, the best tool for countering adversaries in the planning stages is Security Questioning - it puts the criminal or terrorist on the defensive to protect their cover story.

LOCATION Prague, Czech Republic (venue info provided upon registration)
COURSE FEE €795 (regular) €695 (organization with 4+ attendees)
You will learn about:
- Predictive Profiling - approaching security from the point of view of the adversary.
- How to derive security indicators from methods of operation.
- The 3 "D"s Detect - Determine - Deploy
- Smart questioning techniques to assess individuals.
- Making security operations and protocols proactive.
Security professionals and executives, government and law enforcement personnel can all benefit from this course.
Seminar attendees will receive a hard copy of the seminar multimedia presentation.
Chameleon seminars have been delivered to hundreds of law enforcement, security, military, corporate and non-profit organizations worldwide. Over the years, our trainers have received high praise from students, with average post-course survey scores never below 95%. The only consistent complaint we hear is that our students wished the training were longer because they want more. Here are some comments by our seminar participants:
“I found the information that was presented in the seminar to be both relevant and useful. The concepts were both new and exciting, and were in complete contrast to the many seminars that I have attended which put out the same old information that we have been hearing for many years. The Chameleon speakers are not only dynamic and interesting, but include many who have had real life experiences with the subject being taught. One comes away from a Chameleon seminar with a real, usable grasp of the subject and a feeling of time and money well spent.”
“The Predictive Profiling & Security Questioning Seminar is one of the most organized and well presented seminars I have attended in twenty five years of law enforcement. This well presented and thought provoking method surprises me that more governmental and civilian organization do not attend and place these measures in process. The civil liability requires us to perform all the techniques available to us to protect the public. As law enforcement takes on more of the “homeland security” role, combined with budget and staff limitations, this educational opportunity offers to be a financial must. This is a protection of our most valued asset, the public we defend.”
“A breath of fresh air! Finally, a rational approach to security.”
“The instructor was very knowledgeable. He used life experiences with the course content in presenting the course material which was great. I would be very interested in taking more courses to understand the mindset of terrorist and suicide bombers.”
“The course content was very interesting and Amotz kept the class captivated. This has been some of the better training I have had on this subject. The ties to Israeli Security were very interesting and relevant. Best training I’ve ever received concerning security and look forward to receiving more.”
“Very eye-opening, so much knowledge gained in just two days. The teaching methods and examples used were very practical and beneficial for understanding the concepts/purpose of the seminar. Thank you!”
“Subject matter expert (very” energetic, knowledgeable, and practical in disseminating this information. Learned a great deal after his training. I really appreciated his explanation of security rings vs. patches. I now also have a greater awareness and understanding of threats vs. risks.”
“This course was by far the BEST training I have received since joining the government. Amotz knowledge, experience, and teaching methods were fantastic.”