CCTV Training
There are more advantages to CCTV than you know. Make the most of it!
Use of Proactive Threat Assessment in remote sensing transforms security personnel from (passive) fishermen into (proactive) hunters.
Chameleon offers the only curricula in the market today providing a systematic approach for Detection of Suspicion, Determination of Threat and Deployment of procedures. This course goes beyond “observe and report.”

Using proactive threat assessment in a CCTV environment is a different approach that starts from the point of view of the aggressor and is based on actual aggressors’ methods of operation.
Students learn procedures and guidelines for the correct usage of screening technology, that promotes the integration of man and technology, always with respect to threat.
Want To Deliver This Course To Your Officers?
Drop us a line today and receive detailed proposal!
Customized to Your Environment
Chameleon's proactive threat methods are applicable to virtually any environment and set of security requirements. If you have special needs, the course can be built for your specific environment and resources.
The CCTV Operator in person training covers the following topics:
- CCTV advantages
- CCTV used as a deterrent
- Usage of CCTV in the context of threat
- Proactive Threat Assessment basics
- Surveillance and documentation
- Communication with front line officers
- Usage of CCTV in the context of time frame and location based on Adversary's Methods of Operation.
Who should take this course?
CCTV operators and security personnel.
For more information and to request a proposal for this course please contact us.