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November 16, 2016 - November 17, 2016

Los Angeles, CA / November 16-17, 2016

Chameleon Associates and the IMI Academy are collaborating to bring security and LE professionals a one-of-a-kind seminar on Active Shooters – Lesson Learned in Israel. IMI Academy is a subsidiary of Israel Military Industries Ltd. (IMI), a government-owned company known for such products as the Uzi, Galil, Tavor and much more. Instructors from IMI Academy will present tactical methods developed and tested in Israel to counter active shooter scenarios. They will also demonstrate unique training in Krav Maga, shooting and fighting techniques that security and law enforcement units must undergo in Israel. Trainees will come out of this seminar having learned:

IMI Academy

  • Active shooter attack methods (attacks in waves, the use of knives, vehicles, IEDs and more)
  • Effective methods for preventing and responding to active shooter situations
  • Comprehensive Krav Maga and shooting techniques used in Israel to defend against and neutralize active shooters.
  • The selection, screening and training of an effective tactical security officer
  • Methods and tools for keeping security officers combat ready and alert


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                Los Angeles, CA

For security reasons: Seminar location and training facilities will be provided to attendees after registration.


The instructors for this course bring decades-long Israeli experience in counterterrorism, Krav Maga, tactical response and SWAT operations. They are former special unit officers of the Israel Defense Forces and of other Israeli security and intelligence agencies. They are actively working as training and training managers for many security outfits servicing government organizations and critical infrastructure.


Day 1

08:30 – 08:45 Introduction – Trainer and trainees will introduce themselves. Trainer will discuss the training objectives and schedule.
08:45 – 10:30 SoldierThe Israeli Security Model – The Instructors will describe key concepts and methodologies that make up the “Israeli Security Model.” These concepts influence security system design, procedures and training of security officers in both governmental and private security sectors. Some of the concepts discussed will include: Offense as a defensive approach, use of Predictive Profiling and Security Questioning, localized response capabilities and threat orientation as opposed to risk orientation.
10:30 – 10:45 Morning Break
10:45 – 11:30 paris-shooters_3156856bThe Nature of the Active Shooter Threat – The instructors will present active shooter case studies that involve different attack methods including attacks in waves, multi-weapon attacks, coordinated (multiple attackers) attacks, lone wolf attacks and more. The instructors will also describe the differences between organization terrorism and “organic terrorism” and will outline the tactical challenges these present.
11:30 – 12:30 blankPrevention Methods – The instructors will discuss how Israeli organizations developed prevention methodologies to counter active shooter threats. These methodologies include the use of Predictive Profiling, Security Questioning, Rings of Protection, Insider Threat Prevention Programs and more.
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:45 Selactive shooter responceecting, Screening and Training a Tactical Security Officer – The instructors will describe how tactical security officers are screened, selected and trained to make sure they are able to effectively respond to a violent crime or terrorist event. They will discuss how training, testing (red teaming) and very specific procedures are used to make sure officers are kept alert and prepared.
14:45 – 15:00 Afternoon Break
15:00 – 16:45 Selecting, Screening and Training a Tactical Security Officer – (Continued)
16:45 – 17:00 Conclusions and Q & A.

Day 2

08:30 – 08:45 Recap
08:45 – 10:00 IntrKrav Magaoduction to Israeli Krav Maga Instructors will describe how Krav Maga has been modified and currently is used as part of the Israeli anti terrorism fighting technique. The instructors will describe the different levels and application of Krav Maga by different security units and against a varity of threats.
10:00 – 10:15 Morning Break
10:15 – 12:30 Introduction to Israeli Krav Maga (continued)
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:30 Active ShooterThe Israeli Shooting and Fighting Technique – Using videos and and dry practice demonstrations the instructors show the logic behind the Israeli shooting technique and its effectiveness in countering and neutralizing active shooters. The instructors will also discuss and demonstrate the training stages of weapons proficiency a tactical security officer must undergo in Israel.
14:30 – 14:45 Afternoon Break
14:45 – 16:30 blankThe Israeli Shooting and Fighting Technique (continued) Trainees will be divided into two groups (attackers and defenders). The defenders will be tasked with developing countermeasures to an active shooter MO at a given facility while the attackers will have to find ways to overcome the countermeasures.
16:30 – 16:45 Conclusions, Q & A and Handing out Certificates.

CERTIFICATIONChameleon IMI Academ Sample Certificate

Course attendees will receive a signed certificate of completion from the IMI Academy and Chameleon Associates. Here is a sample certificate:



This Course is recommended for security management staff including:

  • Security Managers and Executives
  • Law Enforcement and SWAT officers
  • Government Executives


The Chameleon and IMI Academy trainers provide seminar attendees with a unique and comprehensive learning experience of the Israeli Security Model. They have decades of experience in tactical response, anti-terrorism, Krav Maga and Israeli shooting techniques. They are all combat veterans of the Israeli Defense Forces and Israeli security and intelligence agencies.

Haim Geri – Senior Instructor / IMI Academy

Haim Geri began his career in a reconnaissance unit of the Israel Defense Forces where among other positions he served as Company Commander and Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations in charge of securing the northern border. Upon discharge at the rank of Captain, he was recruited by the General Security Services (GSS) of Israel for whom he served as Chief of Security for Israeli embassies including Mexico, Venezuela and Switzerland. As a Security Analyst he was responsible for assessing risks and threats to Israeli embassies worldwide and making subsequent security recommendations to GSS headquarters. He also served as an Air Marshal for El Al Airlines. Later, Mr. Geri joined the GSS Counter Terror Academy to instruct students on security in the areas of aviation, maritime, critical infrastructure as well as executive protection tactics. Today, Mr. Geri is a Senior Instructor at IMI Academy bringing decades of experience in counterterrorism, SWAT and firearms training to a new generation of security professionals. He certifies students in tactical response and fighting techniques, at Israeli government mandated standards.

Amotz Brandes – Managing Partner / Chameleon Associates

Mr. Brandes is a combat veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces’ Special Reconnaissance Unit. He began his civilian career as a Security Agent for El Al Israeli Airline and the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles. Since joining Chameleon in 2001, he has developed and delivered dozens of security training programs to clients all over the world including but not limited to: U.S. Army, U.S Air Force, DHS, TSA, Singaporean Government, Australian Federal Police, European Commission, Dutch Government, Amtrak Police, several Sheriff Departments and PDs around the U.S., and Fortune 500 companies. His main security expertise is in the soft skills of security such as Predictive Profiling, surveillance detection and security questioning. Mr. Brandes received his B.A. in International Development Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles.


Chameleon seminars have been delivered to hundreds of law enforcement, security, military, corporate and non-profit organizations worldwide. Over the years, our trainers have received high praise from thousands of students, with average post-course survey scores never below 95%. The only consistent complaint we hear is that our students wished the training were longer because they want more. Please visit our testimonial page.

Active Shooters – Lesson Learned in Israel


November 16, 2016
November 17, 2016


Los Angeles, CA United States + Google Map