ChatGPT & Security

Recent developments in artificial intelligence have led to the creation of chatbots that can engage in conversation with humans in a natural and intuitive way. Chatbots, also known as conversational…

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Offensive vs Defensive Intelligence

There are two main disciplines in the field of intelligence:  offensive and defensive.  At a national level, countries may chose a defensive or an offensive intelligence posture. For example, the…

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Why you should know about Deepfake

Deepfake technology is like Photoshop for video.  It allows non-technical folks to alter a video’s look and audio so completely that at first and second glance it appears authentic. Deepfake almost…

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Killer Surveillance

Surveillance is a critical tool for any adversary.  Yet, so often in security it is discounted.  Anyone from a pickpocket trailing their next victim, to a high level assassination team…

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The Versatility of Protective Intelligence

This Guest Blog was originally produced by Ontic Technologies, a protective intelligence software firm.  Learn more about Ontic Technologies and their protective intelligence solutions at +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The concept of “protective…

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Updating OSINT Cycles

In the wake of the information explosion and the dramatic changes in open-source intelligence we’ve experienced over the last decades, the traditional intelligence cycle used in OSINT is no longer…

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